Sunday, May 17, 2015

Start of week 3 - doing hard is hard

Leo and I returned to Hershey this afternoon.  My laptop, which has been dying a slow death, apparently took its last breath in Feasterville because it was found dead upon arrival.  This will make communication more difficult and sporadic.

Last week ended with Leo doing a spoonful of baby food, spoonful of formula then toy.  No huge volume increase but he did not lose any weight during the week.  Not losing weight is a huge praise.

We returned home Friday night.  I will admit going home is hard but staying would be harder.  It is difficult to hear the boys say they miss us.  I had a talk with Jordan and Ben about why we are doing this for Leo.  They all want Leo to eat but honestly they want us all together again more.  We are all trying to keep our eyes on the goal of Leo learning to eat while keeping our eyes on the only one who can make that happen and give us the endurance we desperately need.  I was reminded of the poem The Footprints in the Sand.  It talks about how when you only see one set of footprints that is when Jesus was carrying you.  I will be honest, this week there is one set of footprints with drag marks behind in the sand.  I want to be here.  This is where we need to be, but it is not only hard being away from everyone but teaching a child to swallow is intensely hard emotionally and physically draining.  

Please pray that Leo increases his volume and learns to maneuver baby food.  Please pray he keeps pooping.  Please also pray for the laptop situation, not having one here makes this all the more difficult.  We really do appreciate all of you who are following along and praying for us.

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