We are also cleared medically-as I had a phone interview with the anesthesia department yesterday. The frustrating part- nothing, no nothing was documented about the breathing difficulties Leo had after surgery in August. Difficulties that landed us in Intensive Care. The very nice women made some notes and we will also be talking with the anesthesia doctor before surgery. Now- we need to keep little man healthy till Monday morning!
Please begin now praying for Leo (and us) as his surgery is scheduled for Monday and it will take 3.5 hours to do all 4 procedures. 3.5 hours is a LONG time to be under having doctors work on you! We will be in the hospital at least 3 days.
We also had a visit with Leo's birthmom this week. I was hoping this visit would be easier, but it wasn't. I left emotionally drained. Good-bye is the hardest. She was very happy to see how much Leo has progressed and had fun playing with him as he rolled all over the place. I am still processing the visit. The bottom line- Leo is one loved little boy!
In the midst of our new "normal", schoolwork is still happening but the greater lessons have been learned just living life!
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