We are in a room. The plan was once we were moved to a room, I would take a nap before Jeremy left, but apparently someone stole the sleep sofa from the room and it can't be found. So no nap for now- kinda makes me laugh as the nursing staff is completely perplexed by who took the sleep sofa- it is heavy! Leo also has a teenage boy for a roommate. Should be an interesting night.
But I digress to what you really want to know. Thank you so much for praying. God heard and answered! Leo did great. It has been a LONG day, but God is good. Surgery began about 7:30 and we got to go see him about noon. Each surgeon was please with how his part went. They were all alerted to Leo's past breathing problems and took special care with him and slowly woke him up. He has a little oxygen but not enough to cause concern. We will definitely be here till at least Thursday. Thank you all for praying and please continue....
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