We just received wonderful news. A family has been found for "Fred". This family lives in Lancaster, PA and specializes in caring for children with special needs. We had been praying that God would provide the perfect family for "Fred" and He has! What an awesome God we serve!
It is not possible for us to go down the domestic older child and international paths at the same time. So for now we have decided to pursue international, but the domestic program has our information. We have gotten quite the education in domestic toddler adoption in the last 3 weeks.
We have begun to take the necessary steps down the International Adoption path. We have filled out the preliminary application, have talked with the intake Social Worker and now we are waiting to hear back from her. We had asked her to compile profiles of children with special needs waiting in Hong Kong, Korea, and somehow Taiwan got thrown in there. Once we have information about these countries programs we will meet with our Social Worker, fill out the formal application, start the paper chase and homestudy. At that point we will need to decide on a country. China is of course in the mix.
Lots of prayer is going into each and every decision we are being faced with. We have begun looking at profiles of waiting children online and there is such an overwhelming need for families who are willing to open up their hearts, homes and families. We have realized there is no wrong country and even there is no wrong child. We are trusting that God is in control and that he will lead us to our son. We are nervous and excited to be beginning this journey again, but it is a journey we wouldn't pass up.
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