He is making copies of different kinds of muscles to put on his robot
If you have more then one child, then you could possibly have a "Ben" in your family. Ben is so cute, but don't let that fool you. If any teacher at church is going to "talk" to you, it will be Ben's. Ben is all boy and too cute to care. Ben gives us a run for our money. Ben and Jonathan are only about 14 months apart and Ben had a difficult time transitioning from no longer being the baby of the family to a big brother. Ben comes up with the best one liners. Yesterday, he told me not only had Jonathan touched Tyler's legos but now he was lying about it and that was a double sin. Ben doesn't like cleaning up and is very good at making his own rules. Some days it can be a challenge to parent Ben, but I can't imagine our family without him. We are so thankful God gave us Ben!
Last night we celebrated Amanda's 12th Birthday with family! I can't believe my baby is turning 12. Tomorrow, Valentine's Day is her actual birthday. She has already put in her request for breakfast in bed and her dinner choice.
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