This post will be short and real. This has been a hard week. I have come to the realization that although going to China for two weeks was a lot of work, in some ways it was easier then trying to daily visit Leo, keep things going on the home front and for Jeremy work. We have had wonderful family and friends helping us by watching the other kids while we visit with Leo, but we have still come home to baseball games, church commitments and well life.
Today was a special day in that Leo came to our house for the first time. I picked him up this morning and Jeremy left to take him home after dinner. We had a good visit and Leo did great, but I am exhausted. Jordan was probably the most enamored with Leo and paid him the most attention.
We will continue visits through the weekend and then on Monday we will all go to Bethany's office where Leo will come home with us permanently.
I wouldn't be being real if I didn't admit that both Jeremy and I are scared, overwhelmed and questioning ourselves. All of this is only drawing us closer together as a couple and forcing us to lean on God. The future is uncertain, but we believe God is in control.
We would covet your prayers as we continue to transition Leo into our family.
praying for you and your family today. praying for wisdom and for peace. May the Lord bless you and keep you.